Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My music press magazine positively represents my key demographic. This is done by studying how people of this particular style talk, walk and dress. On  the contents page I have had the models pose in a particular way without showing their faces. However, you are made fully aware of the genre through their style and the use of instruments being the main focus. On the cover my female model has a seductive look which helps target mostly males and will catch the attention of the males who see it. However, if you’re thinking stereotypically you would think that girls/women would look to see her styling and how they could get that look Throughout my article I have used the correct mode of address, I have kept the interview light and feeling more like a conversation even if it is layout in a question and answer form. This again helps to target the younger end of my demographic but is formal enough for the older end to feel like they're not reading a childs magazine. a  readers of this magazine might go to this music website which although has many different styles of music has it's on section for the indie genre. 

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