Thursday 18 November 2010

Research into the Music Press

In recent years there has been a growth into the amount of music magazines available for a variety of genres. There's bound to be a music magazine out there for everyone that concentrates on the genre of your choice. the old school magazines such as NME and KERRANG! have a combined age of 77 which proves that even though reviews, new bands, interviews etc can be found quicker and for free online there is still a market for magazine readers.

You can see the drastic difference between the two front pages of NME. The left is a copy from the 1980s and the right from 2008. This change could have been because their key demographic became younger and they needed a more clean cut look. Other contributing factors would have been technology advancing and allowing them to add different effects and logos to the covers.
NMEs total circulation from July-December was 38,486 copies and KERRANG! had a total circulation of 43,000 insinating there is a larger rock/metal following than there is of indie rock.

so im not just concentrating on NME and KERRANG i swapped KERRANG with Uncut magazine in doing the following research

readership (%)

ways of consuming music (%)

feelings about music (%)

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